Tan Removal Made Simple with Face Sunscreen
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Tan Removal Made Simple with Face Sunscreen

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After cold winters, no one can resist a sunny day outside. However, scorching Indian summers are no fun either. From intense sweating to tan lines, it has its fair share of downsides. A tan is one of the first signs of sun damage. It makes your skin look dull and tired. Sometimes,  severe tans can sting when it comes in contact with clothes. Other signs of sun damage include freckles, premature wrinkles and sagging of the skin. There is only one product to prevent all of this- sunscreen.

Over the years, sunscreen proved to be a must-have skincare product for all.  Be it a basic skincare routine or an elaborate ten-step regime; sunscreen always makes it to the list. In particular, face sunscreens are vital to protect your face from tanning and sun damage. They are also the best product to invest in to prevent premature ageing signs.

Tan removal products

Do note that sunscreen is different from a tan removal cream. A sunscreen prevents a tan, while a tan removal cream does damage control once you’ve already got a tan. Tan removal products usually contain ingredients like aloe vera, which soothes sunburns. Also, they use ingredients such as lemon, orange peel, honey, liquorice, and vitamin C to reverse the damages caused by tanning.  You can find such products in the form of creams, face packs, scrubs and face washes.

With all that being said, prevention is always better than cure. Hence, read along to find out the best sunscreen for you.

Types of Face Sunscreen

There are two main types of face sunscreens: physical and chemical.

Physical sunscreens

  • They are also called mineral or organic sunscreens. These sunscreens mainly use two filters, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
  • The way these sunscreens work is that they form a protective barrier on your skin. Therefore, this layer reflects the harmful rays of the sun.
  • If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin types, it is best to lean towards using physical sunscreens. Since they do not absorb into the skin, the chances of skin irritation or breakouts are meagre.
  • One thing that you must consider is that physical sunscreens use literal minerals, which are white powders. So, it is tricky for formulators to make one that does not leave behind a white cast.
  • However, if you have a dusky skin tone and prefer a physical sunscreen, you can opt for a tinted one. Tinted physical sunscreens can often act as a natural foundation as well.

Chemical sunscreens

  • These are also called inorganic sunscreens. But, again, it is because they get absorbed directly into the skin.
  • Chemical sunscreens absorb the UV rays so that the rays are in place of the skin.
  • Common chemical filters in sunscreens are avobenzone, oxybenzone, octinoxate, and Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate.
  • The formulation of such sunblocks ensures that they do not leave behind a white cast.
  • These sunscreens cause skin sensitivities in some people. In such cases, always consult with a dermatologist.

Hybrid sunscreen

These sunscreens use a mix of both filters, chemical and physical. Ideally, they are the best of both worlds. However, hybrid sunscreens also tend to have lesser cons than the other types of sunscreens.

Since everyone’s skin is different, always do a patch test at the back of your ear or on your arm. If you find any abnormal reactions, talk to a professional at once.

How to Use Sunscreen?

  • The amount of sunscreen that dermatologists and formulators recommend is about 30 g for your entire body. For your face and neck, use the two-finger rule. First, squeeze enough sunscreen to cover two of your fingers and slather it over. Then, be generous with the product and apply an even layer throughout.
  • You must make sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re at the beach or directly under the sun. It is mainly the case in India, owing to the high temperatures that cause sweating. So, look for sweat-resistant sunscreen. It is also helpful for those who travel constantly.
  • Remember to apply sunscreen even when you are at home. It is because the harmful rays creep into houses through windows and doors. Surprisingly, it has the same effect as when you step outside. Moreover, it helps you form a habit of applying sunscreen daily.
  • Lastly and most importantly, make sure you get a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and above. You can use SPF 30 while you’re at home, but it’s preferable to go for a higher range of SPF when going out.

Whatever type of sunscreen you choose, what matters is that you regularly apply it. Starting to apply sunscreen from an early age is one of the best things you can do for yourself. However, it’s never too late to start.

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